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Christ at the Cross

Reborn                          Born of the Spirit of God in Christ

                                                         Made in the likeness and image of God

Registration                  Citizenship in the Kingdom of God

                                        Living in the spirit kingdom

Redemption                 A new creation in Christ

                                          Sins removed; past, present, future

Righteous                     Living with the characteristics of Christ

                                          Declared presentable before God

Reconciliation              A child of the Almighty King; Creator

                                          God is our heavenly Father 

Relationship                 God is Love

                                          Communion with our heavenly Father

Rest                                The Father's work finished in Christ at the Cross

                                          Accepting it has always been about and for you

Reward                          Inheritance - Authority and Power

                                          Authority in Christ/Power in the Holy Spirit

                                          Rewards given in our eternal life

Resurrection                 An eternal life with Christ as our King

                                          Living in our perfect bodies


Restoration                   The Earth made anew: the New Jerusalem

                                          Garden of Eden restored


Summer Fun
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