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Author ~ ghostwriter ~ novelist
Each story will take you on a heartwarming journey into the lives of the characters and the events that surround them. Everyone can identify with the theme within the stories, reflecting on our own lives with a compelling and compassionate nature. My hope is that you, the reader, whether young or a seasoned audience, will receive the gifts of hope, inspiration, and faith that remains the foundation of all the novels
I pen. .....Patricia
Summer in the Backwoods
ISBN: 978-0985405908 ~ Paperback
ASIN: B008MOKR36 ~ eBook
Published: July 6, 2012
Two months after the death of their father, ten year old twins, Timothy and Tabitha are unexplainably sent across the country to live the summer months with grandparents they have never met in the backwoods of Georgia. No amount of pleading on Timmy's part will convince his mother to let them remain home, so he can spend time with his best friend, Eric.
To make matters worse, the twins were picked up at the airport and taken to a remote rundown farmhouse absolutely in the middle of nowhere. Thinking his mother has made a huge mistake, Timothy calls her to negotiate returning to California. Surely when he explains the conditions, she will be sympathetic to their plight. But that wasn't the case, and they found themselves stuck on a farm in a place they never heard of and doubted anyone else had either.
Tabitha, being more diplomatic, took the news in stride. Though she felt empathy for her brother, she accepted their circumstances as an adventure. As Timothy is loathing the idea, she encourages him to give it a chance; after all, there were no options. How bad can it be living in the country for a few weeks?
The twins discovered being on their grandparent's farm wasn't the terrible ordeal Timothy anticpiated and learned to appreciate the country lifestyle. As everyone was dealing with the loss of their father, love was nurtured mending broken hearts as four individuals spent a Summer in the Backwoods.
Shadow of a Promise
ISBN: 978-0615412641 ~ Paperback
ASIN: B004RCNH9S ~ eBook
Published: December 16, 2010
Sophie's perfect world has just been shattered. Shocked when one of her newborn twins is diagnosed with a life-threatening health condition, she finds herself thrust into an emotional abyss, fighting against events and circumstances that quickly escalate out of control, leaving her desperate for a resolution other than the one she is facing. Unable to accept the doctor's prognosis, she finds herself alone in her quest for another answer to her baby's medical crisis.
Sophie discovers she must deal with a secret that has haunted her for years, never considering there could be a connection between her past and her daughter's future. In her deepest, darkest hour of despair, she cries out in agony for help with nowhere and no one to turn. Gripped with grief and frantic as time is slipping away, she struggles to make restitution but will her efforts be enough to save her baby from an unacceptable fate? She questions if her purposeful estrangement to the legacy in Passionate Promises is now somehow affecting her daughter's life in Shadow of a Promise.
Passionate Promises
ISBN: 978-1606968666 ~ Paperback
ASIN: B002SXO83C ~ eBook
ASIN: B002SCDKAO ~ Audiobook
Published: September 15, 2009
Suspense, Intrigue, and Romance
She is young, beautiful and on a fast-track with a career as a photojournalist when Sabrina receives a phone call that abruptly jolts her life. Sudden and unexplainably her beloved Aunt Millie, thier last remaining relative, is found dead in her home. As she and twin sister, Sophie, return to their aunt's hometown of Asheville, North Carolina for the funeral, they are told of an inheritance. While dealing with the heartache, they further learn of a legacy bequeathed to them in Passionate Promises.
Subsequent to the funeral, and upon returning home to Florida, Sabrina is plagued by a soft voice whispering messages in her ear and feels the presence of someone nearby, always with her. Then the dreams begin. She is being drawn into a whirlwind of strange encounters that make her question her sanity, but she can't let go of the feeling that someone is one step ahead leading her to an unknown destiny. She is certain there is something she must do concerning the legacy and wants to find out what and who is behind Passionate Promises.
The Talking Tee Shirt
ISBN: 978-1598863307 ~ Paperback
ASIN: B0051108IM ~ eBook
Published: August 1, 2006
Mystery and Suspense
What if a dream could change a young girl's life forever? Samantha is sleeping soundly when she begins to dream. After she awakens, Samantha can't shake the plan the dream planted in her mind. Although she tries to reject the notion from the dream, she slowly begins to understand that she has been purposefully selected for a special mission. Having always been a classic cut-up, Samantha finds it hard to believe that she would be chosen for such an endeavor. As she struggles to make a decision, the fear of losing her friends feels overwhelming for she knows they would not understand her plight. Yet, she must complete her assignment because time is running out, for she must find a specific tee shirt before its too late.
As the suspense evolving around the tee shirt builds, the mystery unfolds and a secret message is revealed as the tee shirt becomes the conduit for Samantha's unbelievable mission, and she finds her life changed forever in The Talking Tee Shirt.

A Long Way Off
ISBN: 978-0-9854059-3-9 ~ Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9854059-2-2 ~ eBook
ASIN: B00TXJ4V40 ~ eBook
Published: March 29, 2015
Adventure and Drama
A year after graduating college, Jake makes the decision to leave his father's farm and head for the city. Handling vegetables and vendors was not the plan for his future believing there was an easier way to make money. Jake's interest was in finance experimenting in stock market trade, and thus, saw himself as a successful entrepreneur but he needed to be in the city to make things happen. There was one glitch to his well thought out venture; Jake needed money.
William witnessed the restlessness in his youngest son, but never expected that Jake would leave the farm; after all, he and his brother, Seth, were the fourth generation to carry on the business. When Jake approached his father about leaving and requested his inheritance, it was a disappointment William couldn't hide, but he wasn't going to fault his son for wanting a different life and agreed to give him the money.
Jake leaves the farm with a small duffel bag of clothes, a few personal items, his laptop, and a big wad of cash with no intention of ever returning. William sensed this might be the last time he will see his son, and worried for his safety. He understood as a young man that Jake had to make his own way in life.
In his desire for success and fame, Jake's journey reveals an important lesson of unconditional love and that it is never A Long Way Off.

Why Prayers Aren't Answered
Understanding Kingdom Principles
ISBN: 978-0-9854059-6-0 ~ Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9854059-5-3 ~ eBook (pdf)
ASIN: B01EAZN412~ eBook - Digital
ASIN; B01F6BXGI0 ~ eBook - Digital (May 3, 2016)
Published: April 14, 2016
In Why Prayers Aren't Answered, Understanding Kingdom Principles, there is insight to the most frequently asked question among Christians today. When we pray to our heavenly Father and no answer is forthcoming, what has happened? From our carnal perspective, it appears that God is not responding; however, this is far from the truth. If we understand the precepts, or laws that govern the Kingdom of Heaven, the provisions God has given to each believer for approaching His throne becomes clear. Without following the principles God established, we will certainly be remiss in receiving answered prayers.
The methodology of our prayers may be inadequate to receiving the resolutions we seek. If our attempt to communicate with the Almighty King is through our carnal abilities, it will not be effective.
God does not withhold His greatness from His children. Our heavenly Father knows of our request before we utter the first word in prayer. He desires to give to His children, but we must know how to appropriate our prayers to receive.
This book is intended to enlighten those who seek answers, for there is an answer! God always provides, for He promises it.
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